
LIZ Smart Bottle: 3 Things You Didn't Know

LIZ Smart Bottle: 3 Things You Didn't Know

Our beautiful smart bottle, LIZ, is full of technologies as well as secrets. Today, we are revealing 3 secrets about LIZ that our Boss had formally forbidden us to share ... Oops?

# 1: The Logo On The Lid

A smiling cyclops? An incomplete circle? What does this logo mean?

Just like the bear hidden in Toblerone’s logo or the yellow smile under Amazon's logo: the logo on LIZ’s lid hides a message! By looking closely, you will see that its designed as a letter C. Not for Christophe (our CEO), or Cécile (our MARCOM INTL Manager) and not even for Camille (our CREATIVE LEAD) but for the word « CLEAN »!

Smart right?! Since a UV sterilization function is included in the lid, it’s certainly the cleanest bottle you can have :)

#2 : Why LIZ ?

She could have been called Alice, Mélanie, even George: so why LIZ?

The answer is, once again, in its UV sterilization function: Steri-LIZ-ation

Got it?!

#3 : LIZ On Top

As beautiful as a Picasso or a Banksy painting, LIZ will be exhibited at the « Design on Stage »! From June 22, 2020 to May 30, 2021 you can find our smart bottle at the Red Dot Design Museum, in Essen. When we told you that we combine technology with sleek design: it wasn’t a joke!

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NOERDEN: LIZ Wins the "2021 Next Gen Product" Award at Good Design Australia